Venture for Canada Announces Project with Future Skills Centre  Venture for Canada (VFC) is excited to announce the launch of a Reskilling Retail Workers, a project funded by the Government of Canada’s Future Skills Centre. This project supports the design of a reskilling program for displaced retail workers, focusing on racialized and Indigenous youth in Ontario.
From the ground up: What does it take to build a successful e-commerce business?
BHER and Venture for Canada partner to provide innovative work-integrated learning experiences for students in Alberta The Business + Higher Education Roundtable (BHER) and Venture for Canada (VFC) are excited to announce a partnership to create 300 innovative work-integrated learning (WIL) opportunities at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Alberta. This partnership is made possible with support from the Government of Canada.
Customer Success Management must-knows: Squeaky wheel gets the grease?
Should I Have A Personal Brand (And If So, Where Do I Start) There’s a professional development trend going around that’s been widely misunderstood. Many fantasize about having it. Few follow through on building it. And even fewer do the work upfront to define what their end-goal is. 
Ongoing Celebration’s of Black Leaders and Black History after Black History Month Often when February comes to a close, so does the celebration of Black History Month in Canada. This year we saw extraordinary efforts, workshops, and events that elevated Black womxn, entrepreneurs, and founders.
Putting your Growth Mindset to Practice: Building The Habit
VFC Fellows Next 36 Cohort Venture for Canada is proud to congratulate Rayhan and Lily for their next step in their entrepreneurial journey, committing to the NEXT 36 full-time program laser-focused on founding a new venture.
Reflections from an Untraditional Path and Breaking Down Stereotypes I’m Brittany. I graduated with a BSc in Psychology and Neuroscience, became a VFC Fellow in 2017, and worked a sales job for two years. I am now a software engineer working at a financial technology company in Toronto. These are my four reflections from my journey into the dev world thus far.
The Creation of New Ventures: Serendipitous Moments, Serendipitous Connections
VFC Announces Partnership with Mouvement des accélérateurs d’innovation du Québec (MAIN) Venture for Canada (VFC) announced a new partnership with Mouvement des accélérateurs d’innovation du Québec (MAIN) a non-profit organization for their second annual Accelerator Summit (Sommet des accélérateurs) a gathering of various organizations that support entrepreneurs and accelerators in Quebec.
Stepping into Your Best Life with Kiki Athanas: Optimizing Health and Happiness