Making Laundry and Entrepreneurship Sexy: Lawsuits, Love, and Scents

5 Key Takeaways:
- Working With Your Life Partner Is Possible: Angie and Bernard are not only business partners, they’re life partners as well and if their relationship fails so does their business. They maintain their relationship by having regular meetings, discussing what’s working well and what’s not, being transparent with each other, and even attending relationship seminars.
- Entrepreneurship Can Be Taught: Neither Angie nor Bernard had entrepreneurial parents, in fact, both learned how to be entrepreneurs through resources like YouTube and books. Some of their favourite books are: Think And Grow Rich, The Power of Now, and the 5AM Club. They also learned how to change their mindset from scarcity to abundance and built their tolerance for taking more risks.
- Keep Your Values at the Centre of Your Business: Angie and Bernard are driven by their values and they keep sustainability at the centre of every single step of their business operations. Their mission is to eliminate over 1 million jugs polluting our planet each year, which is why their products are non-toxic and ecologically friendly.
- Resilience Is Key: Entrepreneurship is full of ups and downs. Early on in their business venture, Angie and Bernard unfortunately got sued by a competitor. It was an extremely challenging time and they thought about giving up more than once. Remembering their mission, seeing their customers’ happy faces, and having a strong routine helped them get through this difficult period.
- Invest in Your Team’s Growth: If you want your team to be invested in your business, you must invest in them. You can do this by implementing activities and tools that promote personal and professional development among your team members, fostering a supportive and psychologically safe work environment. Take a page from Angie and Bernard who have self-development days every Thursday.
Show Notes:
[00:01:40] Kind Laundry’s mission is to eliminate over one million plastic jugs annually. They focus on non-toxic and sustainable products.
[00:03:25] Angie and Bernard explain how they view laundry as a therapeutic exercise rather than a chore.
[00:07:02] Angie and Bernard share their backgrounds, being raised by immigrant parents with a focus on safety and survival. They discuss how you can teach yourself entrepreneurial skills.
[00:10:52] They talk about the role of books and online resources (like YouTube) played in their entrepreneurial journey, when they didn’t have access to mentors.
[00:19:26] They discuss the emotional and mental toll of being sued by a major competitor early in their business. How they managed to keep going through the stress and financial burden of the lawsuit.
[00:30:05] Challenges of building a team during COVID-19 and the transition to remote work. The importance of self-motivation and adapting to new technologies like Slack and Zoom.
[00:35:16] Implementing self-development activities and personality tests (Working Genius) to enhance team collaboration and personal growth.
[00:38:11] Angie and Bernard’s approach to maintaining a strong digital presence without experiencing burnout. The balance between sharing personal stories and focusing on business content.