Donor Feature: Meet Alexandra Erb

Hey Alex!
Thank you so much for your support. We’d love to learn more about you!
My name is Alex Erb! Professionally, I’m the Strategic Partnerships Manager at The Rounds, a tech company based out of Halifax, Nova Scotia. I started at The Rounds through my Venture for Canada fellowship program in the 2018 Cohort. I’ve been part of the organization as it’s grown over the years, which has been an incredible opportunity.
I’m passionate about many different things. I would consider myself a generalist. I’m passionate about mentorship, hence my involvement with GenW, a digital community as their Creative Director. Working with GenW, I get the opportunity to interview many fabulous women who are doing cool things that might be outside the scope of what women are traditionally encouraged to pursue. Our goal is to close the gap of what society thinks is possible in their careers. Showing the path of cool people out there doing neat things who may look like you demonstrate that the path is possible for you.
You have so many talents and must have excellent time management. Tell us why you’re passionate about supporting young Canadians find entrepreneurship opportunities:
My love for entrepreneurship began at a young age without a realization of it. My dad is a small business owner, so I started working at the age of 11. I loved the idea of working for myself and making my own money. I want the autonomy to find creative ways and thrifty ways to use that money. On a broader scale, entrepreneurship paths are crucial because they allow people to have autonomy over their lives, specifically when facing structural barriers.
Since corporations heavily hold job density, people fall into safe roles that they may not be dissatisfied with because it is expected. VFC is such an important organization because they give the power back to the young people by offering them entrepreneurial skills to build their ventures or become the changemakers within any work they set out to do.
When do we say a more inclusive, innovative, and entrepreneurial Canada — what do you envision?
An entrepreneurial landscape that leans towards the social enterprise route. If more people had the right resources and access to skills development to start their businesses, we would see businesses organically pop. That doesn’t necessarily mean the super entrepreneurial, techy ventured back start-up that is widely celebrated. Folks who want to solve problems don’t necessarily fall into that category. When I think of community gardening initiatives, that is entrepreneurship. I would love to see more people have the option to start things without the urgency to scale, with the mission itself, and think about the profit later.